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atsl-adele @blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WEDNESDAY - 31o31o

last day of march. time just flies.

anw, 2nd day of erev class. stats 2. the lecturer is seriously ermm. too fast. it started out fine, but as he continues teaching, he went on faster and faster till i almost gave up. luckily with much determination, i stayed throughout. faint. haha.

dinner at makan place. i didnt eat cos the last time i ate was like at 3 plus pm. ahhas. but! the missing starfruit and apple story is pretty funny. LOL. shall briefly described what happened. 3 pieces of starfruit were poked in the satay stick . tgt with apples on the other stick. haha. so yh left it on the table without tending to it. so i kope one starfruit out of the three. haha. when he came back, he took it out and had this uber blur face to why his stick only has two starfruit. ahhas. the whole table knew where it went to, but no one let him know. ahhas. the funny thing is he kept it to himself.

so after finishing his starfruit (theres still 3 apples on the stick), he left to buy other food, i attacked his apple. ahhas. so now his apples left 2 on the stick. lol. when he came back to eat his apples. hahha. once again his expression was super funny that all couldnt stop laughing and its pretty obvious its not the fruit stall owner's mistake.

ha. so headed down to clementi NTUC to find some products. it was pretty fast. chop chop done. be it vitagen, yakult or green tea stuff. efficiency yo. haha. then someone was hungry . not me. but then, anw, since i haven had my share of dinner then shall go fill my stomach. bearing in mind that he has eaten . he ordered the food like it was free. he told e waitress : i want this, this this this . and i had to cut in by covering the menu and saying ' that's all.' if not i confirm he will order more food. wa seriously scary. ahha

this is shishamo, aka pregnant fish. haha. first time trying it. its pretty fine just that its very difficult to chew on it. take quite long before i managed to bite a portion of the fish off. haha
all these were just side orders. imagine tgt with the main coursem i was uber full already. tried the baby octopus for the first time too. its pretty sweet luh. but 'm not used to the texture of it. so hmmm. had to just cover my ears, chew it and swallow it. haha
went on to watsons looking for more green tea stuff. awesome findings! ups. list is completed. haha.

ok. sleeping early tonight. lesson in the morning. as usual 6.5 hours. nights! (:

btw my hp has cui-ed. its shutting down automatically which is pretty irritating. hopefully i can send it for repair soon after transferring all my phone mem data into my com! oh and! i got a list of nice songs for the keyboard and singing part. ahhas THANKS YO! (: hahas. in exchange, i lend him my harddisk cos got to transfer stuff. inside got ups video k. so i think its worth the trade. ahha! (: say it first, no further extortion ty. haha

TUESDAY - 3oo31o

START of erevision lesson. waa! after weeks of self-studying, lectures are resuming. the only difference is, this time round , its 6.5 hours straight, except for an hour break in between. omg. and lecture starts from 83oam - 3pm today. OMG. but surprisingly, i survived it. wahaha, all thanks to my sleep the previous night. haha. so was in the same LT with bon fl shirla and km. everything went pretty well, as in attention span, until the lecturer did sth really funny. hahaha

and as usual, after lunch effect got them doing non-related stuff. km was doing his Einstein's IQ qn. bon and fl were fb-ing. ahhas. i think im the most ups one. ahhas listening throughout! wahaha good job! actually is no choice. ahhas cos they had their iPhone and iTouch respectively. haha.

ok anw, once lecture ended, went home to nap. was kind of tired after the 6.5 hours. energy draining. faint. then went mac. was late . haha oops! it was too rush . but at least i brought my lappie down ! more IQ questions , dinner and home! (:

Monday, March 29, 2010

having a SIGH to EVERYTHING.

HAI . sometimes its good to know e reason for certain things than to just blindly follow whats offered to you and happily accepting them. before u know it, u are already caught in some dilemma situation . cui.

but im really appreciative of my true and good friends around. u know who u are (: if not i'd more cui esp under such situation. thanks!
Sunday, March 28, 2010

SUNDAY - 29o31o


welcoming the 3 new members of 7th gen. namely, willy, sean tee and chin yang. claps (: 'm pretty sure its gg to be exciting, esp with the new shows coming up. yes!
anw, i think this photo pretty ups. haha.
had lots of fun today. like seriously. had this game called, captain ball with a different ball. firstly, used the normal basketball. which apparently i hit myself with it. haha cos, i was holding the ball above my forehead, and i dont know why, but i dropped it and hit myself on the head. booo. hahas. omg. haha second ball was this really small soft toy.

third was orange which got really juicy and sticky within minutes. and the last was CABBAGE. its frigging heavy at the beginning. but by the time we threw and dropped it, only left the stem. haha. cui to the max. haha. that explains why the basketball court ended up like this. hahas full of cabbages. which the guys did clear up at the end. thanks yo! (:
second game was 'Boys Over Flowers' its like dodgeball. but inclusive of waterbombs. ups. so apparently, the girls will be outside the court throwing the waterbombs while the guys are in the court dodging the flowers. but at the end, the girls got wet too cos the roles were swapped.
took this photo cos apparently they said that willy(member of 7th gen) looks like brian. but seriously think he looks more like Renfred(campus superstar guy). but some also argue that he looks like yongming. ok. he just looks like Brian, Renfred and YongMing. haha
so went down to cheap cheap @ marina square to lunch. by the time we ordered and everything it was 3 plus. and clarissa joined us too! (: haha. in fact , today i made quite a couple of new friends. nice!

went home after that. plan was to get some rest and then study. but, 've been wanting to watch 'How To Train Your Dragon' . and happened that i received and sms when i was on e way home, asking if i wanna watch. so, hmm, was thinking, this is gonna be the last week that im having all these fun activities, so might as well, spend my Sunday outside. and chiong my work next week.

yeah i went to catch 'How To Train Your Dragon' at night. ratings : 4.5/5 . its awesome yo! CLAPS! the show is really nice. even though we didnt watch the 3D version, but i think i could still feel the impact of everything. hahas. Night Fiery(Toothless) is really cute. haha. i like the plot of the movie. the peaceful coexistence with the dragons. anw the whole show is just beautiful and original. rather delightful and amusing too! u guys should really watch it. okok put it this way, must watch k! hahas. to me, its MUCH nicer than Alice In Wonderland. looking forward to 'Clash Of The Titans' next.

ohya before that, we were glancing around and saw this food booth at Tampines Mall. all the Japanese product. and i tell u, its SUPER EX. we were amazed by the price. and the more surprising thing is its still so crowded. we just whizzed through the crowd and take a look at the products.

just this one orange, it SIX bucks. OMG. i really got no knowledge about this orange. but why is it priced at such a high price. faint. ahha
ok these melon, without straining ur eyes to see the price, can u guess how much one cost?
its SIXTY bucks. oh my goodness. u should have witnessed our super shocked and wth face. haha. confirm same expression when u see it for the first time. ahhas. omg.
supper at coffee and toast. i dont really really like eating the egg. so in e end, he has to eat 3, while i ate one, much to my reluctance though( cos i dont want to eat even one, but the thought of him eating 4 eggs kind of scare me too. haha)
SATURDAY - 27o31o

basically went over to RP to help cos today theres audition for the 7th gen. pretty exciting cos there's like more people joining TCP. and the standard is getting much higher, i think. so those who got in, must be really ups. awesome only hahas.

bonson was interested to join. so asked him to try out for the audition. ahash teachers involved : alulu and jaslyn.

without biasness, i really like bon's impromptu acting. haha. it was freaking funny! omgg. anyone who wants to know what he said can ask me. ahhas. cos i think i got the soft copy of his impromptu acting. lol!

hahas so plan went on smoothly, and we ended at 3 plus. nice! hahas. cos i expected it to end at only about 5 plus. ahhas. well, headed to somerset to get clothes for friend, and headed home to charge my batt. cos my hp was dying on me. hahas.

met fl yh xc for dinner at eunos and off we go to st james. apparently, theres 883 party at dragonfly and we got the free tix. but well, sadly, too many ppl went, and we've to wait for uber long to gain entry. so we gave the idea up and headed to Jurong Safra to sing K. haha. its been quite long since the few of us went. hahas. fl called km along too. so bon fl km xc yh and myself shared the cost of 165 bucks for 3.5 hours of singing. ermm. not that worth right. hai. but for the sake of singing, money concern comes in 2nd. haha
apparently, i think we all did have some improvement in our singing, esp to a couple of ppl. u know who u are. haha. im totally serious when i said thats theres even tremendous improvement in some of them luh. omg nice! and esp after not hearing them sing for quite a long time. hahas. the feeling was just there. good job everyone! haha recorded with my hp those songs that we sang. haha. luckily i used my hp record cos we didnt manage to transfer all the songs from the Kbox system to our phone. ahhas. went home to hear, and i think some of them are pretty nice although the quality not as ups luh. haha awesome!

some random and funny shots.
3rd prize: (look at xc @ the back. lol. superman about to take off! haha)

2nd prize: omg. hahahhaand the 1st prize goes to km. its freaking funny. oh faint.
ha so after singing, headed down to pioneer mall for supper. our usual nonsense talk. and then off we headed home! kind of sleepy cos woke up early to RP for audition and the thought of needing to reach SP at 10am the next day really make me uber tired. ahhas. so slept a lil in the car. thanks xc for sending us there and back home! well-appreciated. (:

on a side note. man united won bolton. 0-4. nice! (: man united's 3rd goal by berbatov and 4th goal by gibson. is nice one! thanks to nani's build-up. woot! (: back to e top of the table. but really have to compliment chelsea for beating aston villa 7-1. omg. what kind of score is that. esp when u're against aston villa. faint.

THURSDAY - 25o31o

haha went down to berrylite @ raffles to support Allie. ahhas. apparently, shes working there. and Berrylite has opened another new outlet. ahhas. and seriuosly the yogurt is really nice. maybe u guys might want to try it when u pass by the shop. (:
haha and i didnt stalk her k. ahhas. i just think that hew new hairstyle fits her. hahas. i think her colleague named her buttercup. ahhas. nice! but i really like her new hairstyle on her! woot (:
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WEDNESDAY - 24o31o

went school to study today with fl km xc. at least managed to complete another 2 topics of econs. yup. its freaking not easy cos the analysis done is seriously much more than expected. faint. but i guess i got to persevere to the end somehow.

went down to Clementi interchange there for dinner. apparently, our fav stall is like upgrading in progress. sadded. but well, we were hungry so we settled down at LJS. its been quite a while since i last ate that anw. they were having the $5.5o promotion. other than the shrimp, everything is as per normal. didnt like the shrimp served though.

took an mrt home. and it was super empty. so xc decided to play a stunt by imitating the bollywood dance in the mrt. joke yo!. haha

TUESDAY - 23o31o
finally saw bonson yesterday! haha . i think its been a while since i last saw him. and as usual, he's once again uber funny . haha and he's preparing for his audition this saturday. hopefully it turns out fine for him! all the best yo! (:

already plan to go down to town today. cos of the b&j's ice-cream. haha. but in e end, we did not achieve our purpose in gg there cos we didnt queue for it. yup the queue was kind of long. but at least we shopped. km wanted to get his hoody which costs 20 bucks at uniqlo. apparently, it isnt a good thing. cos i saw sth which was pretty ups. and being bonson, he'll convince u to spend that money to get it. haha that explains why i bought another jacket. boo!
ok but on a brighter note, the new jacket is pretty unique in certain ways.

yup so later went down to fl house to continue to study cos she didnt bring anything down and we also didnt study much in school.

yup thats all. signing off.
Monday, March 22, 2010

Home Away
1 Manchester United 31 14 1 1 44 9 8 2 5 28 16 47 69
2 Arsenal 31 13 1 2 43 15 8 3 4 30 18 40 67
3 Chelsea 30 13 1 1 45 13 7 4 4 25 15 42 65

check this out. hahas. MAN UNITED is at the top of the table. how nice. but the scores are seriously uber close. assuming chelsea wins their next match. the top 3 teams are just a point away from each other. either drawing or losing the game will just cause a change in the ranking of the teams. the remaining matches are gg to be awesome! hopefully man united just maintain the lead (: and with Rooney's current form, hahas UPS! (:

anw, went sch today to study. but apparently, most of the time we were citadel-ing! boo! faint.
hai and tmr, already promised them that we will be gg to town after studying in the morning/afternoon. yeah. hahas. cos apparently, they say that theres free b&j free cones. yup. and also a trip down to uniqlo to get hoody which costs only approximately 20 bucks. gosh. how good is the deal yo. hahas. i must study hard in the afternoon. i must so that i wont feel so guilty . haha.

and today's many many brain teaser/jokes is totally draining my brain juice. lols. seriously. too much for my brain to absorb. ahhas. its harder than one could ever imagine . and the only one that i understood for the day is the one km shared just now on msn.

alright. time to sign off. bye.
Sunday, March 21, 2010

SUNDAY - 21o3

work in the morning till afternoon. felt rather energetic perhaps cos i turned in early last night. ahhas. catching up on some loss of sleep.

met kpj after work to go town. kind of super last min. and his one day of no talking and nonsens is abit weird. hahas but main purpose is to get present. and i think we got it. just that, its not e end product yet. haha. got to do more stuff to it. whoever is getting it, haha, just wait a lil while more k. haha.

yup. going to meet up with my JC friend at night(change of plans) to watch man united vs liverpool. was uber sorry that i couldnt make it for e previous outing during CNY period i think cos of some reasons. yeah. so this time, didnt reject the invitation.

yeah. so went town, had lunch, and then tea break immediately. omg. i was so full, and he was feeling hungry. faint. eggs and toast were eaten by kpj cos he was still feeling hungry after his lunch. ermm. as usual. but its uber sinful. didnt upload the egg pic, cos it didnt look appetising to me. haha.
casting them aside, i just recalled of the story he told me today. it kind of amazes me how one can fall deeply in love. it may not be love i guess, but perhaps infatuation to a weird extent. but well, hopefully this guy will just pick himself up once again.

so in between, with lots of time, went to catch Alice In The Wonderland. perhaps a rating of 3.0/5. basically cos i dont really know what to expect of the ending. yeah. nothing worth remembering though. yeah. except for tweedledee and tweedledum. and the irritating red queen. anne hathaway was also in the show. as much as i quite like her, but when she tried to be comical, the effect a bit , hmm. yup. so overall impression of this show is not that bad/good. and the cinema, was kind of freezing. i was controlling and controlling cos the ppl around me were like so steady hahas. until the end of the show , i was like ohyes. warmth outside ! wahaha. - side-track: once again, 'm sorry!

yeah. so left and met my JC friends. weihan, kaixiang, yijun and songyi at liquid kitchen. hahas. just reached in time. besides those interrogation(shant elaborate), we managed to spend a good 2 hours there watching Man United vs Liverpool. 4 mins into the game, liverpool scored, with torres's header. its really nice but irritating. haha. but LOL. rooney scored a penalty, although i still think it shouldnt be awarded to them. but well, its alright. haha.. initially Reina saved it. woah. almost fainted. hahas. half time 1-1. and second half , 2-1 with park's goal! WOOT! (: final time, man united wins ! awesomeness! (: haha so cabbed home and luckily, e midnight charge started only a few secs away from home. nice (:


HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAN! (: and bon voyage to our smart friend!

FRIDAY - 19o3

slept late. then went to study at kovan a while just before my work. got to catch up on studies , especially after prelims. faint. yup studied at kfc, then domino after we dined in there. its his first time eating there, but apparently, he said not that ups as he thought it'd be. but at least it was a productive place for him to study. plus/minus points.

so after work, PK , aka ahbeng(he named that himself) came down to kovan to fetch us to yan's place . uber thanks! well-appreciated or else i srsly dont know how 'm gg to make my way to woodlands. yupp.

purpose: to surprise yan with ahjie.kenneth.eunice.junhong! (: hahas well, she got her surprise. haha. but we did the most embarrassing thing. ahhas we actually paced up and dooe the walkway, trying to figure out which door we should stand in front of,so that she will get surpised. hahas cos we didnt know which unit she was staying at. apparently, wrong guess. joke. haha!

stay awesome always ! see ya soon!

chilled around at her place and monopoly deal there. ahhas. its been quite long sing i last deal.
anw, thats about all. just that our smart friend will be making his way to JB after his paper. irritating. ahhas so on! k luh. hopefully he enjoys himself there. (:
Thursday, March 18, 2010

this morning was seriously omg. haha was super excited. although e previous night, someone called in the wee hours and i couldnt slp after that call. ahhas. feeling guilty? hahas. kidding. anw, i still managed to wake up early to camp in front of my com.

purpose: to book lzx tickets online which is launched at 9am TODAY. so starting from 7 plus i was awake. camped from 845am. waiting in anticipation for 9am to arrive. and mins before 9am, i spammed my sms to fl, yh, allie, sihui and sheena. i kept refreshing the page. refresh refresh . . till 910 and the the online transaction is still not available. yeah although i can go down to any sistic outlet to book, but by gg down personally, booking will only start at 10 am! one hour makes lots of difference yo. waa.

so by 913am! WOAHH. the page is out! waaa. as fast as i could, i got the sistic computerised system to assign the best seating. at a lightning speed. BUT OMG. the centre seat all gone! i.e. PB. and im only left with row 18, PA! OMG. HOW come so fast! i was camping since morning and refreshing the page. wa almost fainted. but well, still went ahead. but on a brighter note, its still the premier seat in front! (: yeah miko will be gg with me. ahhas. cos saw her at mayday concert the other time, and we promised to watch lzx concert tgt! nice. ahhas. CAT 1 <3

and thanks to my dad for lending me his credit card number to book the tix online. if not , i'd have to go down to sistic at 10 am! but of cos, i'll be paying for the tix myself.

haha but the greatest joke of the day is, after i booked the tickets, i rechecked the seats that i'll be seating at. and to my greatest shock! i realised that the page is on SHE CONCERT! OMGGG! I ALMOST FAINTED TO THE MAX. ambulanceee needed immediately. waa. i was srsly super shocked. cos i wanted to book lzx tix ONLY. so immediately went to hotmail to check the sistic confirmation. LUCKILY! LUCKILY i booked the right tickets. if not, i confirm confirm CONFIRMM FAINT! till now, the thought of booking the wrong tix still sends chill down my spine.

haha phew!
another joke that happened this morning. was talking to km on msn. cos he's publicising his twitter acc. so digressed to lzx concert. ahhas. and i send him the link telling him that lzx concert will be 3D and everything, cos he once mentioned to me that lzx got this 3D mv. so this is how it goes.

`atsl says:
*and i realised its like what u said the other time
楊Kм says:
*3d mv nia
`atsl says:
*i mean the concert wil be 3D throughout
楊Kм says:
*wah...if the concert is 2d ar...it'll be shocking
`atsl says:

i seriously LOL hard in front of my com! LOL. its so true. ahhas. how do u expect a concert not to be 3D. its gg to be so funny can! ahhahhas. joke ! serious joke thats sooo true. but well, im sure the 3D has a more indepth meaning to it. (:

hahas. ok so this morning is about it.
met ddh in the afternoon luh. so after everything, came over to my place for lunch. dont tell me u're shy k. haha joke! at least you got a free lunch. was hesistating if i shld invite him over initially cos i confirm my mum and him will clique quite well, and in the end turn around and shoot me. but well, being a nice person, i decided to call and ask him. haha. im sure the food is ups for him. but i srsly dont know why u had a stomachahe! omg. haha. but he said the food was nice. so thumbs up to my mum! (:
so as predicted, both of them really talked about quite a lot of stuff. be it school , my mum's work stuff, future plans and everything luh. too lazy to recall. haha. and once again, my room is too messy. ahash so its out of bounds k!

so after lunch and their 'high-tea' chat, went to whitesands .. spent e whole afternoon and evening and night there. and dinner at superdogs. hmm, given superdog another chance, cos i didnt really have a good impression of the food there for quite some time. well, its a good move. cos i think its pretty not bad after all. hahas. but i still love the chilli cheese fries more. hahas.

and! hahah, i wonder if dynamo method works. haha 10 tehpengs for that. but well, it was offset after he helped me to figure out how to change my sms ringtone. cos seriously, i thought samsung phone has standard ringtone which cant be changed. i had that mentality for so many months. so i challenged him to another 10 tehpengs. unfortunately, in 10 secs, he managed to change it! OMG! boo. there goes my tehpengs ): haha nvm, im sure theres more chance. ahhas. wait ah. im not extorting k.

ohya, and for our smart friend, itchy hand some more.! haha. go change 2 answers which were supposed to be correct at the last min. in e end, forgoing two marks for nth! faint! but well, hopefully, D will still be the grade .
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Show Luo 3D World Live Tour 2010
Show Luo’s brand new world tour “3D WORLD LIVE TOUR” will incorporate 3D elements, making it the first ever in a concert! Inspired by the movie “Avatar”, “3D WORLD LIVE TOUR” will use the latest technology, allowing concert goers to experience virtual reality in a concert hall, without the use of 3D glasses. In addition to the usual dance and song routine, this concert will also see Show Luo taking on magical illusions! Click here for more information.
link for more details regarding lzx concert. (:

nice! the day has arrived. wahahaha.

anw, prelims over. so got to start planning a couple of stuff.
1) tcp outing. yeah during good friday. coming up with a couple of dinner places. yupp. have to go source out and hopefully send the invitation out by this week.
2) meet up with my previous singing class grp at focus music. yeah they're organising a dinner and also to pass me a cd that was recorded by them for me e other time. yup. got to make time out for this too.
3) theres still more. casting aside dinner gatherings with sec sch, jc friends. i cant recall at the moment. ok. two impt things on hand now.

ok anw. good news. 2 HD for our very smart friend. nice! damn high can! ahhas. but congrats luh. hahas. i managed to shock him a while though. lol. but still GOOD JOB! hahas. continue to study harder yo!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

this morning was quite blur. a couple of ppl smsed me when i was asleep and i accidentally deleted some of them. so the moment i woke up, i started figuring out who smsed me, and what content it was . faint. but lucky nth v major.

yup so woke up after a call, and luckbox it was on silent mode. and apparently, good news. e 3% is in his pocket. nice. so after that went to tamp to get my earpiece for my phone. apparently, i lost it! arghh. im so gonna make sure i wont lost it again. cos days without music is kind of bored.

so stayed at whitesands superdog throughout the afternoon and evening. and irritating enough, the last few mins , my hand got ... nvm. boooo!! haha but still a rather fun evening.

萧敬腾 -

video shared on youtube. 3 of my fav songs by him. and from 7:14 onwards. seriously cute.

totally a powerhouse singer.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZk_1c3sQ6I&feature=related - from 1.00 min.

variety show that reflects his shy character. ok. too cute to resist! many awesome songs sung by him. awesome vocals luh. nice! eng/chinese
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbB9lZL_m9s - do watch all 10 episodes if possible. really can sing. nice! cute too! no doubts about his piano skills too! <3.

the link below is really haiii. sad. my heart was like 'vvvrrrooommm' both uber strong competitors. no matter what he's still awesome.

Monday, March 15, 2010

蕭敬騰's concert.

ITS AWESOME! the feeling is just sensational. be it the voice quality of his, the stage presence. . everything is just soooo memorable. even till now, i can still feel it. the feeling is just too awesome! REALLY GOOD VOCALS luh! omg! soooo cuteee! and can really feel his sincerity and everything. rating: MAX. its worth it after all. yeah. cos i was super disappointed when they said lzx will be at ewards on the same night at the same time but different venue. woahh. lucky he didnt come. hahas. feel good . ahhas. MR ROCK! abit MJ lookalike.
i have to emphasie that its REALLY GOOD. really really good. seriously good. no joke. thats his shirt! haha. nice! AND OMG! LZX IS holding a concert in MAY! OMG!! I SURE GO. 22nd may. saturday. beautiful . the long awaited concert. hahahhahaas! niceee! (: LZX! (: looking forward already although the ticket has yet to be launched. going to stalk the unusual webbie for more updates (: was really glad that i went to e concert. brought my expectation of a good concert to a higher level. nice!

been more or less done with prelims.

MONDAY 15o31o:

went school ahhas. met miko. hahas nice! discussing our plan to go to lzx concert alr! lols.

and awww! one mark away from distinction is kinda hmmmm. but still not bad a mark luh.

and! hahas saw darryl, and was asked to record for 88.3 jia fm. the question is. family gives you what kind of feeling. hahas. he practically made me laugh until i NG-ed so many times. hahas. in e end, went to one corner to record it myself. haha.

and i realised the more econs qn being asked , the more i fall in love with the subject. ahhas. maybe cos its the topic of DD and SS.

SUNDAY 14o310

work. haven seen my students for a whole of 2 weeks. woah. like seriously. e feeling is just, indescribable? haha wonder if its good or bad.

and in the evening, i felt like a nomad. hahhas. from north east, to east, to north, to east, to another part of east, and back to the super east. haha.

and the joke of the day award belongs to the auntie at paylebar! LOL. joke.


woke up early in the morning for the 883 duet audition. with the mentality of gg there to gain experience. definitely not winning or whatsoever. haha. just for the fun ! LOL. and it wa pretty nice. ahhas. studio audition. nice! with xc fl and allie. yeah. then met darryl and citadels! lols. citadels while waiting for the results. ahhas

met jessie, then had lunch at tiong, and back to SIM. to meet jane eve and gh! yaa. actually no need to go back all the way to clementi ahhas cos after that we went to town. faint. haha. pretty nice meeting up with them again. soon, there'll be another round of it . im sure. haha.

and in the evening. XJT concert. met up with yh. then fl's friends. woah her friends are super smart ppl yo!. omg. GPA : 3.7 and 3.98 respectively. freaking smart. goshh!

ok anw, XJT concert as described above. ONCE AGAIN, i didnt regret going at all. nice.it kept me entertained throughout the whole night. be it the high song, or the emo songs. the emo songs can really make u cry. i was like sitting on the seat and hearing really carefully on the way he sang it. its freaking good. the feeling was just ups. the tears just welled up my eyes. its just awesome.

and throughout the concert, even at the end, his voice is still so powerful! my god. although scan hear tiredness, but its ups. like srsly. anyway, thats the closest contact with him, after the concert when he left the backstage. hahas.

okok i shall stop here. if not my compliments for this concert will just continue and continue and continue . .

anw! random quote here.
people are not changing, its about you getting to know them better.
Thursday, March 11, 2010

was watching the jack neo's press conference thing on the msn webbie.

honestly, i think its uber wasted cos, it took him 30 years to build up his career, and just one night to destroy it all. goshh. he was supposed to e singapore's icon. oh my.

but from the video, can sense his guilt . and really , if i were in his shoes, i dont think i can handle the whole situation also.the limelight and his infamous acts. its really v embarrassing. its like whenever thats a mass media conference, its always sth good, i.e his new movie, and his achievements, but right now. its totally not. its all on his infamous stunts. faint. obv he cant take it luh. much less his wife.

i totally feel for his wife. watch the video can almost cry one luh. especially when she emphasised that she needs the support from everyone and everything. and also cos she fainted. omgg. this really can tell us how fatigue she is. and part when jack neo shouted at the media tgt with Ah Nan at the end of the video. OMG. i think reporters need to be sensitive to their feelings also luh. ppl faint alr, instead of helping, they just continued snapping. oh faintt.! really pity them although i dont support what jack neo did in the first place. hopefully everything will die down soon enough, if not their kids will get hurt most.

guess im overly affected after watching the video. hai. sad. why must things turn out this way.

okok. anw, once again, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ALLIE! love you lots ! (: hope u had ur wonderful surprise last night.

haha. cos ytd went to school to study, then a few of us were in sch, and we impromptu decided to go down to vivo to find her and her friend. hahas. surprise her on her birthday yo! hhaha.

birthday girl - allie! love her lots. thanks for being there for me ! (: <3
impromptu grp. (: woot.
anw, today, went to tamp library to study for about 30 mins i think. ya then met up with yh fl xc for dinner. and im srsly sorry. somehow i think its my fault omg. actually when is happened, i already thought about it, perhaps me and the car really some 8 characters dont match. but then the moment yh saidd it , omgg! i cant control anymore. xc, im super sorry. somehow im sorry. haii.

anw, had dinner then studied at fl's house downstairs and practice song for sat. yeah. kind of failed cos its pretty funny.

and im totally i dont know how to explain myself. i just need the guidance. i dont know whats really gg on. i dont know myself. i dont know anything. i dont know. perhaps its not easy after all.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

wanted to visit my cousin but then heard shes too weak. so my mum said maybe other days. but on a brighter note, shes fine. and thats an awesome piece of news. yeahh.

went to some old airport road hawker centre to have dinner. ordered quite a couple of dishes. the wanton noodle was pretty ups. but the rest was soso. didnt have enough cash with ,e and somehow the 'bill' was $2o dollars per person? total extortion from whoever that paid for it first. ok. confirm its nonsense. lols. like seriously.

and then experimented with our voice. like faint. my voice is seriously too airy alr.. as in im trying to solve that problem. so used the brrr method, but cant really work. but well, im gg to be hardworking and practice projecting my voice.

but well, nonsense day always ends up quite a day for me to know and learn more things. hhas. like compressor HAHA. and even how chinese language will overpower eng language some day. ahhas. imagine the whole scenario , where ppl start reading chinese novels and their posture and everything. oh faint. haha

MONDAY - o8o310

lols. finally! km's citadels arrived! hahas. he has been waiting for so long. hahas.

actually his face v happy one. hahas. just that dont want to show. hahas. and sadly, the sleeve of the card doesnt fit correctly. boo! in e end catn play, cos needed to maintain the condition. wait till it arrives. time to work on citadels.. ahas
went to watch DEAR JOHN. it was alright. just that i cried too hard already. especially the father story. i get really affected when the show i about family. i dont know why. but ya. wa. i practically cry so hard like the tears free-flow. but overall i still give about 3.5/5 . ya. cos its abit draggy at some points. and the acting part. not as ups as i thought it'd be. but still a not bad movie.

jp toilet quite nice. lols. and somehow got drama inside. LOL. i practically mistook someone else as fl and started talking to her when shes not ! OMGG! LOLS. when i saw the real fl, i went stunned. hahahs. and ran out of the toilet embarrassing only. hahas
went back to school to halo bar. its the end of prelims for km and xc. but for me and fl. its like the last paper on saturday. so well, decided to give ourselves a break. (:

this shot is nice. hahas.

omg. and the video fl uploaded. goshh!
Sunday, March 7, 2010

new blog song. this song is srsly AWESOME! love it. joyelle shared with me today. and its srsly NICE! (:

anw studying at kap during a sunday is really omg. i myself also cant believe it.

but well. all for pbf. yeahh. cos km said sch's open on a sunday. hahas. joke. apparently he lent me his mimi shou ji. hahas. its ups lo. thanks km! (: hahas so studied there with joyelle and km throughout the day. and then! off we went to DOMINO! ahahhas. ordered classified chicken which was awesome. and we just had our nonsense talk as usual. its soooo funny! im not joking. all the magic tricks and conversations. srsly hilarious to the max!

SATURDAY - o6o310

fl went sch to study with km. while i was at bedok. yeah. had work in the morning. haha. and srsly, amazingly, i didnt expect km to come all the way down to CV to eat dinner. LOL! but well, ahhas. so 5 of us went CV to eat. fl km joyelle yh. haha. afternoon was just a great joke!

anw, legendary chicken hor fun at changi village.

and red tea longan.

lols. so after dinner , played this. hahas. deprive of childhood i think. hahas

then went to the beach to take a walk and talk lots of nonsense. ahahs. funny! lol
this is my version of donald duck. hahas
FRIDAY- o5o31o

studied in sch once again. stats paper was srsly madness. i dont even know what happen. its like all the qn practiced didnt come out. faint.
but well, at least i made the effort to study stats omg. sad.

haii. anw, after our paper ended at 9, we went to Alzhar to eat prata. LOL. it rhymes ! haha. and it was srsly a joke. omg.
the joke starts. we were all ordering our food, and we rmbed km saying that he wanted to order roti john. but he said murtabak . for haoyi and himself. one mutton murtabak and one chicken cheese murtabak. in my mind i was thinking. woah these 2 guys, really can eat! soo hungry. omgg. ahhas. and after that, ok i didnt think too mcuh alr.

e food arrived, and they each had their share of murtabak, then my roti john came. LOL. then upoin seeing my roti john km suddenly said : eh! i thought i was supposed to order roti john! LOL' OMGG! apparently, he just rmbed that he ordered wrongly. hahahs omggg

this is the classic expression on haoyi's face. 'are u sure this is roti john?' LOL!!
too bad. they had to finish their share of murtabak which was srsly a lot! omggg. the serving is like for a couple of ppl. but then km finished his whole share. but haoyi, poor haoyi he couldnt finish ahahs. but at least km helped him eat the cucumber. ahhas
THURSDAY - o4o31o

went to halo bar with yh fl km joyelle. hahas. its like we studied for so long luh. just a breather for us.

and once again, km performed magic trick, joke! but nice one
some funny stuff that happen during the mugging period. ahhas
xiao huang qi. lol

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