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Friday, April 30, 2010


got this motivation from a pretty successful woman. and the reason that i was told. she set her priorities right. many ambitions in mind. but she would dedicate her time to the first, and cast the rest aside after settling the first. hmmm

anyway, today is my last day of work just right before exams start. awesome. no more other commitments till exams are over.

well, work is pretty fine today. but saw another car accident on e way to work. haii. this time round not as bad. but still the car bonnet was cui. apparently it rammed into a tree. but good news is both father and son are fine. even the tree still stand pretty straight. drivers around me , pls be careful !

work: i must say that its pretty important to know how to handle children. yup children get restless easily. and they dont like to repeat playing the same song. however, its still necessary for me to ask them to play it again to ensure that they really know it . so what did i do? ahahs. i praised them by saying that they look really cute today. whaaha. must be wondering what e outcome was. haha. they listened to my instructions and repeated the song for me without another word. and better still, it was played with lesser mistakes. hahaha! nice !

try it. it really works. just praise them and say those sweet stuff to them and they will be over the moon. whatever request u want them to accede to, they'll happily do it for u. but of cos do it with the right intention !

and pretty awesome news today.
by next month/June,
4 of my beginner students will be promoted to Grade 1
1 of my Grade 2 students will be promoted to Grade 3
1 of my Grade 3 students will be promoted to Grade 4

awesome yo. yup and for this five year old girl, she took only 7 months to complete her beginner course. average student one year plus . but she enrolled in mid september and finished this course(8 books. 4 practical, 4 theory books) by april. haha. of cos its her effort to practice her piece every week consistently or else i wont be able to complete the beginner course with her so fast. awesome! :D bright future for her.

and of cos nicholas who took barely 10 months to complete a grade. another bright future ahead of him too ! (:btw, he's already very smart in terms of study. (Dunman High School yo.) and also he's an awesome table tennis school player. representing his school in various big competitions and stuff. totally well rounded. claps !

but, yup time to dedicate my weekends to tcp too. so decided to drop some students(although i still feel rather attached to them, but oh wells, this is my deicision). so most prob by June/July(depending on my boss), i will end work at 11am on Saturday. and 1.45pm on Sunday. hopefully, it makes a difference.

but of cos after exams, going to resume teaching my private students. 3 in fact. nice. private is somehow better. haha. cos time is more flexible. and I get to enjoy the 100% fees. unlike teaching in school , where i get 50%. haha. but well, im contented. so no issue about that. (: satisfaction is the keyword. (:

work is pretty right on track especially after exams.

still got lots of stuff to settle after exams. but shall plan everything again when exams officially end.

right now, i just want to dedicate my time to study. need the motivation throughout till 13th may. maths 1 maths 2 pbf stats 1 stats 2 econs. please stay with me cos i will love u all. deep deep love k :D

oh and btw. close friends ard me knows that i dont really like pork. like seriously. but i was pretty proud of myself that i ate a piece of pork chop and pig liver . i almost fainted . but i didnt dare to not finish it . haha. but still home cook food is really awesome! although a word thanks may not be enough, but still thanks . haha :D

ohya and i made a new friend. ok. not consider friend. but i got to know someone new yesterday. ahhas. was helping her a lil with econs. but of cos limited stuff cos not v similar stuff. but seriously, can see that she was really trying to absorb everything that was taught, of cos not only by me. so hopefully, her hardwork will be paid off (: and to everyone else as well . (:

anyway, there are some things which i dont have an answer to. but i promise i will sit down and think through everything thoroughly (after exams). i promise .
Monday, April 26, 2010

when was the last time i had home-cooked meal?

hmm. maybe like two weeks ago. not that my mum/dad didnt cook. but i wasnt around. haii. im so going to make up the time to have meals with them after exams end.

but today's dinner was awesome enough. although i was overloaded with soup ingredients and brinjal. but still, the cooking and meal was really good ! thanks :D

hopefully anti-depressant egg tarts were good too! yay!

anw, to all marketing ppl, all the best for tmr's paper! (: enter the battlefield with a calm mind and u all will do just fine! good luck!
Sunday, April 25, 2010

gosh. i realised i haven been blogging for pretty long. got lots of updates. but just filter some. the rest put under draft first. haha

ahhas. was so excited to see my fav actors. ppl like pierre png, terence cao. zheng ge ping and zhu hou ren. seriously, when zhu hou ren got the award, i was awesomely high! honestly, he really acted well in the show! its just so touching to see him winning the award! <3

and zheng ge ping is uber charming at his age. ok at least in my opinion. ahahs

but awww although pierre png and terence cao didnt get any awards. its alright. i still <3 them.

ahha ohya do u guys know who the is the special guest for Star Awards? ahas if u guys watched it, its luo zhi xiang. ahahs. cos he appeared briefly in one of the video clips during the Awards. when Chris kissed Fann. ahahas.. ok i think i study too hard until im not thinking right. ahha

haha another thing is JJ. i like his song. ahahs. and his live singing really not bad. although ya. but ya. ahhas. but when pan lingling went up , also quite funny. ahahs. but his idol yo! nice. its like lzx singing beside me. sure ups! ahhah :D


tcp imaging for X-Squad on Saturday. this is it yo! and i saw them acting out their trailers. a simple sentence like this by ahjie, junhong, alulu, shawn, clarissa,(main leads) '维持秩序是我的使命,你呢?' different ppl different feel. nice. i think they really ups. (: good job yo! and i just saw the script. ahahs pretty funny esp for christopher.
and to everyone mugging for exams. ALL THE BEST. dotn give up k!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

it wasnt meant to happen

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

STUDY! STUDY. study . ): its getting really near. and im really really scared. no joke! lots of things that have yet to be completed. esp my PBF! STATS 2 ! howw! but still, to everyone out there, be it UOL, RMIT or UB, good luck , and all the best to ya! study hard k! (:

btw, i found out sth. when im feeling sleepy, i sprout nonsense. like seriously. haha. so please ignore whatever i say if im feeling sleepy k. cos i dont even know what im talking about. besides, after i wake up, i would forget everything that happened the previous night. subconscious? maybe, maybe not . haha

SATURDAY - 17o41o

saw an accident. didnt witness how it actually happened. but saw the outcome of it. the whole situation was really terrible. the bus totally crashed into the bus stop. my goodness. and the front part of the bus was smashed. and there were ppl lying around on the grass patch with bandages on. the scene was really quite horrific. faint. hopefully the casualties ain't badly injured or sth. in the end, the whole bus stop was demolished . and a temporary one has to be built. was thinking about the accident though . cos before i saw the bus crashing scene, i saw three cars collided into each other a few metres before..

and till now, im thinking how these two cases are related. but it turned out that the brake of the bus was faulty thus causing such mishap. but still, i cant seem to link these two accidents tgt esp after seeing the angle of how those three vehicles crashed into each other. hmmm.

night event:

not a fan. but well, got free tix! haha.

first time taking the newly opened circle line. its so convenient. and the first thing we saw at the Stadium, hahas quite funny.

met up with the rest to dinner. hahas. and we were talking about xjt's concert! sihui! hahas no worries, next time he opens another concert in SG. we will camp in front of the com and get the good seats and all of us shall go tgt! hahas ons! for now, ermm. i shall share with u his videos soon k! (:

ok back to SHE concert.

basically i was there just to hear their live performances and came up with a couple of conclusions.

ELLA: her heyin is super super powerful. i really like her voice. she can sing both the main melody and heyin real well. ups. especially in a live performance. claps claps! and her voice. my goodness! got feel. her voice can really touch you. okay. at least when i cover my eyes and hear her sing, theres goosebumps. (:
SELINA: for the first half of the concert, not really projected. but after that it was alright. haha. her voice got this cute cute tone which brings out her character. haha.
HEBE: the most projected vocals! (: very clear voice. i wish i can sing and project like how she did it. my goodness. and i like her techniques. and like what they say, she usually sing all the difficult parts of the song. ups! i really do admire her. and she's awesomely pretty (:
overall, i think they made up an awesome group. three different characters, different voices. yet they can achieve such great success and they seriously sing rather well on that day , especially when their voices blended well everytime. (: ups.
hahas. the premier sitters and the cheapest sitters. i think im the only one who's not really crazy over SHE. but honestly, SHE is undeniably an awesome group.
after the concert, there's this super strong craving to sing. like open our own concert. ahha. so sihui yh and myself went to kallang leisure park to K. sheena got to wake up early to find SHE the next morning. hahas. anw im seriously a fan of sihui. i really like her voice. like really. projected and stuff. UPS! not many can sing as well as her. woot.

and our fav song. 如果这就是爱情-张靓颖. yup think its really nice.!
and! haha! we were so both about xjt once again and keep singing his songs. until im kind of omg. the thing about us is that when we both saw him on the MV. we just got UBER HIGH. ahhahas omg! he's really uber cute! (:especially the MV on 阿飛的小蝴蝶. my fav 蕭敬騰's song. and fav part of the MV is at 2:30 - 2:40.

faint. sweet until will faint. ahahs. the rest of the MV also uber nice. ahahs sweet sweet. i bet with u that sihui must be feeling uber high right now when she sees the video again. hahas ! i bet yh must be thinking we're mad. haha. but at least he was enjoying the way he has his voice grinded and knowing how he should sing a song better the next time! lovely! and it really sounded nicer!
倒带 !
honestly, its one of the most awesome K session. cos i learnt quite a lot of singing stuff. in terms of voice projection and everything. i just sang . force my real voice out. and prevented myself to sing using the fake voice. super difficult . really super difficult. sing until i was really giddy. ahahs. but thats a challenge. but the problem is when i sing like this, i dont dare use mic, cos its very easy for my voice to crack when i use real voice to sing high notes. but i was forced to. dont underestimate the word force. cos i was really physically forced to sing into the mic. LOL.

song of the day: 我期待. using all real voice to sing. omg. really sang our hearts out!

anyway, i think three of us learnt sth at the end of the K. it was unintended which makes it even more ups! (:
Thursday, April 15, 2010

the thought of 12 hours of lecture today is -.- 8.30am - 10 pm !
stats 2 . econs . stats 1 . haha nice.

and i've a confession to make.

I LOVE BERNARD ONG!!(p.s. he's my stats lecturer) seriously, attending his lesson is so awesome. not only do u understand everything he said, he is also a fun guy. and since JC, my stats is really cui to the max, cos i dont understand a single thing then. but now, most of the things are pretty clear to me. credit goes to him! and his lil jokes here and there really can keep u awake. be it as early as 8.30am-11.30am or even late at night from 7pm-10pm. and i have to say, im pretty amazed that im so awake during that two time periods. but awww! today is my last lecture with him. my most fav lecturer in SIM.

haha. anw, had econs in the afternoon. seriously, the UOL lecturer was going at a super fast pace although its a new concept. and he taught us differently from what the local lecturers teach us. so, kind of confusing. in e end, left the lecture earlier than required. i'd rather self study given the limited time i've left.

then stats 1 lecture. yup. its been months since i last spoken to tzehoe. as in really talk. as usual, he is super super funny and blur! haha. i mean thats him together with his classic expression. whahah! just before lecture started, we caught up with each other lives. and found out some news. quite drama in fact. but well, hopefully everything will come to an end for him and please dont get affected by others' nonsense k!

but anyway, haha . when stats one lecture start at 7pm, as usual, bernard was playing his favourite song, only love. haha. and the tune is so catchy that i feel like singing. haha. but i didnt k. haha. well, stats one lecture was productive(he went through lots of concepts and qns which we both managed to solve it). and pretty much amused with bernard's lil jokes during lecture and pretty much appreciative of tzehoe's friendship. no complication . nice.

okie. thats the end. signing off.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

wednesday - 140410

went to school, or else i will get shoot! haha. but at least i went there to borrow km's pbf notes. my pbf is dying. like big time. no joke! ): haii. i want to dedicate my time to pbf. but im procrastinating . my goodness. i think cos srsly, too difficult and also cos theres not much time left. tick tock tick tock. but still thanks a lot!

then left school like at 12 plus. ohya. when i was alone at mac, got this man came over to sit on the same table as me. my goodness, his bu huai hao yi face, kind of freak me out . theres really other empty seats which he could have chosen. hai nvm, so stayed for a couple of mins more(so as not to make it obvious), then packed up and left for home. faint.
tuesday - 130410

econs lecture today. kind of looking forward to it. but ended up feeling rather disappointed cos its kind of not beneficial. srsly, we didnt know what points he was trying to drive at. and i purposely wore black cos i heard that he likes to pick on prominent ppl to ask questions. haha. but my goodness, bonson was wearing white and i was sitting beside him. was scared that the lecturer might say : ' the girl sitting beside the guy wearing white, could you please answer my question.' waa then GG. haha.

then irritatingly, km retorted saying : ' he wont use this method to pick on u. he will say the girl with small teeth, could you please answer this qn.' my goodness irritating ! i almmost LOL during lecture. luckily i control it. hahas. but its funny . haha. anw, im like 50% decided that im gg to do sth to my teeth. hmmm. but the pain, im kind of afraid. haii.
anw, listened attentively to the econs lecturer hoping to absorb as much knowledge as possble. btw, got a personal 'lecture/counselling' from bon. rest assured that i'll think it through. i agreed with what he said, but sth in me is stopping myself from doing it. and there are certain things which is not as simple as it is. and there are certain things thats quite difficult for me to explain and help defend for.. i just need a lil more time.

monday - 120410
maths 2 lecture. proud of myself. cos i stayed throughout the lecture, as i was feeling super awake. think cos of the 'coma' i slipped into, the previous day. haha. later then explain. so went to school and studied a while since i was early. studied with a couple of them, then went lecture.
and sth struck me that night. was reading ahjie's blog . and this is what she wrote :

'gossips come and go y'know, and i foresee the consequences, because like a game of telephone charades, the stories WILL get distorted, blown out of proportion. it is a trade of life stories, that are not as unique to ourselves than we actually would like to think, oh they might be untrue, but who cares? those who really care will care enough to find out the truth.. from YOU '
it makes a lot of sense. and this is what my surrounding friends are advising and telling me. how true. but i've to say, this statement of hers really make me try to forget about everything thats happening now. and as advised by many ppl, wait till your true friend comes and find out the truth. cos srsly, i wont bother explaining myself if im not at fault, cos i prefer peace. simple . i dont want trouble so dont create anymore for me. thanks and greatly appreciated. ok. not gg to comment anything related anymore. the above statement explains my stand (:

saturday.sunday - 100410.110410

HAPPY (: awesomely happy.
my student scored a DISTINCTION in his practical exam. my goodness. ahhas. hard work has been paid off ! congrats!

look at his awesome results. comments and grade. to get the overview, just read the last sentence, cos kind of difficult to read the rest of the comments. 'A fine all round performance. Well Done!' (: (: good job. seriously.
zoom in more to his grades.
exam piece A: 29/30
exam piece B: 27/30
exam piece C: 26/30
scales : 17/21
sight reading: 16/21
aural : 18/18 full marks!
nice. cos this is the section that i've never gotten a full marks before. so we kept practicing it. made him sing and listen. spot the rhythmic changes and all the directions. in the end, nicely done! ups (:
srsly very proud of him. and this explains to all who asked me , why i want to study and work at the same time. not that im hard up for cash, but its such satisfaction that i derived from them. (: UPS!
then went to study a while. and my hair was srsly in a very cui mode cos just cut it. arghh. really cui. next time i will go back to the original salon at tampines. if not srsly, the outcome is omg. not nice! haii. well, my hair was styled by my friend. with those gel/wax. not used to the texture cos kind of sticky. but well, just let him do it. cos the previous time was not that bad. but i think my hair was so cui that the styling didnt help. depressed with my own hair.

then i made my way to long ge's birthday! WEILONG! happy 23rd! (: may ur wish all come true! (:
anyway, please notice the mistake in his actions. ahhas. managed to capture this shot.hahas. after making his wish, he took the knife to cut the cake, without blowing the candles out! hahas. funny eh! luckily his gf stopped him in time. if not this will be the first time i witness someone cutting the cake first before blowing the candles. haha (: think he's pretty nervous cos of his many awesome friends (:

yup. so its like another tcp get tgt session. haha. yup. so after that, cabbed back . alighted ahjie fred and brian . initially wanted to go home, but well, got a call. and after all the discussion, went prawning.

before that, was a big DRAMA. at least for me. i almost fainted in my seats. cos we were supper-ing and i randomly made a comment. not expecting it to come true, but it did! my goodness. my heart almost couldnt take it. still it turned out pretty nice. cos the new friend that i made, hahas, i feel that we can communicate quite well. hahas. and of cos hearing her complains about the past. ahha nice! pretty long story, i shall save this portion of the story in my draft. hahas.

ok anw, it was a super last min decision that we decided to prawn. and it was pretty late that no one could sleep at that time. anyway, look at the orange shirt guy in the water. he scared me. i thought which prawn so big! lols.
the biggest prawn caught by my new friend! nice . but this prawn really really fierce! quite big too!
i srsly didnt dare to hold the prawn. cos it kept flipping around. so this is considered one of the rare shots. haha. i realised at the point of time, im quite brave to even touch it. nice.

ok by the time we're done. its like 7 plus am. wa cui! and i still have lecture at 12 pm. went home to catch an hour nap. and nice enough, i still went for lecture. and amazingly, i felt awake throughout the lecture. from 12pm-6pm! yes on a sunday. my goodness! i dont know how i did it. cos i didnt slp the whole of last night.

e moment i reached home. bathed and stuff, i went straight to bed. i slept like from 7plus pm all the way to monday 9am. 14 hours of sleep. my goodness. i was pretty amazed with myself. slept for so long. ok i did wake up in between like 1am and 4am. but i pretty much went back to sleep cos at such weird timings, i reckon no one to be online. haha. srsly, i wasnt the only one. but its really scary to have slept for that long actually. i think my mum & dad must be thinking that im really tired. haha.
Friday, April 9, 2010

substitution effect .
Thursday, April 8, 2010

petrified .
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

woke up late this afternoon.

just couldnt slp the previous night. even at 4am i was still wide awake. didnt want to disturb anyone so just spent the night alone, in front of my com, listening to nth. hmph.

but well, the moment i woke up , i didnt feel right. so i just went straight to the piano and start playing it. i realised when im unhappy, and dont feel like talking to anyone, the piano will have to bear with me. i will start playing pieces that have great dynamics and hit on the notes very dramatically. it feels rather good, seriously. especially when u every chords with great strength.

didnt go school to study today, neither did i study at home. wasnt feeling good. so went down to tampines alone to check if my phone was ready for collection. apparently not yet. i missed my my phone. hai. hasnt been listening to music ever since i sent it for repair.

then took a bus to CV. yup meeting the rest there for dinner. saw allie at tampines at the interchange! coincidental yo.apparently she was at berrylite i think. yeah. so bus tgt and! km was at some changi camp, and he boarded the same bus. he was like perspiring. perhaps he thought everyone would be early or sth. or maybe its a long walk out of his camp. not sure. ha.

so met fl joyelle xc raine limin there. had dinner and as usual the red dragon eye tea for dessert. ahhas. actually nth much. cos we were just talking about some lame and IQ questions.

signing off .
Monday, April 5, 2010

its 3.30am going on 4am on a tuesday morning and i still cant get to sleep .

disappointment level : high .

'm going to swallow everything down. may not be the best solution but that's the only thing i can think of right now.

i thought i could handle it alone, but not anymore. at the end of the day, i think i've no one but to put the blame on myself . thought putting friends before self, sparing a thought for them or even caring about their feelings first would be good. but i think overdid it. i neglected myself .

just feel like hiding myself at one corner now.
Sunday, April 4, 2010

SUNDAY - o4o41o

took leave from work today cos theres lecture. yes. lecture on a sunday. how cool is that. waking up at 6am. omg! as usual, lecture from 83o - 3pm. been waking up super early this whole week. awesome.

pbf lecture once again. pretty tiring absorbing so much info. but well, just got to endure it. yup. and as usual lunch we went out to eat. thanks km's friend for driving us out. haha cos school's queue is really long.. i just realised that till now after meeting his friend for a couple of times, i dont know what's his name. faint. haha .

yeah. after lecture. saw peiwen and jokko. same as me, having lecture and feeling tired. hai. exam period is killing us all. well, went home and its time to take a break! (:

went out for dinner at tampines mall in e evening. teppanyaki. he wanted to eat it the other time but i wasnt hungry so the craving was satisfied only today. haha. but srsly, i was feeling kind of lethargic . from 6am to the time i went for dinner. omg. really almost cui and my mood wasnt that ups. just felt like . actually i also dont know. but well, titans titans titans! haha.

thats lots of beansprouts to cook.
had lamb.

and he's frying my chicken! haha
had a quick dinner and then went to watch , the long awaited show ,
i think its rather nice . i'll give a 3.6/5.
has fantasy action flick which was quite entertaining. and also cos previously i watched Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. so the story falls in place quite nicely. awesome! (: but then overall, not as nice as how to train your dragon.

one of titans' character. 'whoever you are' haha. looks kind of familar eh. ahha purposely minimise the size or it looks really scary like the real life example. haha

anw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEIHAN. u've finally reached 20. nice. may all ur wishes come true (:

SATURDAY - o3o41o

've a new student today. initially i wasnt sure if i was looking forward to it cos 've been uber busy with sch and stuff. but! when he came and and we started communicating and everything. im very sure that this is going to be ups! haha!

intro first. he's timothy. haha .

i really need to give a more in depth description about him cos he's really uber cute. haha. the convo started by him saying, teacher, u've the same surname as me.i was like ohya. didnt realise. then he tried pronouncing my name. honestly, so far he's the first who dare to try pronouncing it. haha. good impression already. weird me but ya. thought he didnt manage to pronounce it correctly, cos he was like is it 'A-duh'? haha. its alright that he pronounced it wrongly. cos he's too cute. anw, i've already gotten used to all the wrong pronunciation. haha

anw, after telling him the correct pronunciation, we got back to serious business. but since its the first lesson, and i wanted to know more about him , i asked him those usual questions. like his hobby and school and stuff. apparently, he's from ACJS. Anglo Chinese junior school. wa. sounds ups. and he really look pretty smart too. and guess whats his talent! OMG. he plays the violin too! woah. its also in the same school . at such a tender age of 7, he can play both the piano and violin. ahha. next time when he grows up sure ups! (: haha

and ! he's taking up chess and even swimming and stuff. woahh busy young man. but bright future ahead of him. and ! the thing that amazed me was that he was talking about his friend and from there i found out he has a facebook account. srsly, not many young kids like him has one. he's only primary one this year. ahhas. so i told him, i also have an account. he gave me this shocked face. ahha. joke. so i told him i'll add him and tag him in the photo. eh, after i tag him, u all dont anyhow stalk him ah. ahhas dont think i dont know. haha!

yeah. we were multitasking. playing the piano and chatting a bit. then he said that his chinese very lousy. since he's so honest, i told him this. 'timothy, i got secret to share with u too. actually my chinese also very lousy. haha' then he LOL me. haha joke. we purposely tried to converse in chinese, but we both gave up in the end. haha. my goodness. he's too cute luh!

then he mentioned he's going to watch How To Train Your Dragon later in the evening. and i was telling him how ups it was. and apparently, he said he read the book already. he finished reading the book yo. not many kids love to read books. faint. and true enough, he named all the dragons for me to hear. including the few that i know. night fiery aka toothless and the main character Hiccup. timothy is srsly ups. (: cant wait for next saturday to arrive ! (:

after work, went down to SP for filming. but some things cropped up at the last min, so had to cancel. shant elaborate but hopefully everything will be settled soon.(:

went down to AMK. initially wanted to watch Clash Of the Titans. when i reached there first to get the tix, all were sold out. so in e end , we didnt meet up. and i was still thinking how i was going to spend my time before gg to weihan's party. luckily enough, chungyin tingshun songyi were at AMK watching titans and their show ended at 440 pm! just nice! waited for 1o mins before chungyin drove us to wh's place. nice. if not , i'd have cabbed down .

WH's birthday party ! (:

ok this flavour of green tea is uber ups! really. must try k!

haha nicely placed for us. like hotel. haha no luh kidding. but anw, thanks for hosting us! (:
very pretty place eh. btw. its part of his house. awesome ! (:
LOL. songyi seems to be communicating with the dog.

i've to admit that both dogs are pretty cute although im rather afraid that they bite. if u cant see the other one, hes at the bottom left . haha.
and uber thanks to his mum for preparing all the home cooked food and even bbq stuff. its really nice! much appreciated (:

started chatting about their army stuff and even went on talking about our previous teachers in JC. just their imitation , i really LOL. cos its so memorable.

Ms May Koh, our econs teacher. fav line : 'ini machiam'. although i still dont understand whats that. and her con-sisss-ten-ccccy- hahah! ryner really imitated until real funny. and even Mr Oh. our physics teacher who is also my fav teacher. he's really nice . very patient and everything. and even sacrificed his own weekends(sat and sun) just to give us consultation. yes rmb-ed us travelling all the way to compass point KFC where he gave us consultation. how nice! (: and during the weekdays, we can book consultation starting from 6.3oam(when school opens) to 9pm(when sch closes) and he's always there for u. gosh! really awesome teacher right! hai. miss him much.

after our dinner and even after rounds of 'bridging'(fav game in JC) haha, MATCH FINALLY STARTED. awwwww! rooney is injured. hai sad.
look at both of their expressions. ahha. scared until cover their face. btw, most are man united fans. the thing is! i cant help but say that its really really omg. chelsea really really shouldnt have won. no comments on thier first goal by joe cole. that was super tricky and they deserved it cos Man United was really cui in the first half .

but the second goal by drogba! my goodness. two players clearly offside. and the linesman didnt see, even when he was in front of it! wa almost fainted. and that cost a goal by him. oh my goodness. the referee was really super cui. it was an obvious penalty for Man United when Park was tripped over but the referee said play on. irritating .

but at least Macheda scored one , that's rather awesome cos i didnt expect him to be substituted in. but , the thing is the lousy officials caused Man United to not have a deserving score. ):

ok setting the match aside. back to happy stuff. haha

celebrating wh's birthday in advance cos tmr is his actual birthday.
2s11 (: most of them going to ORD pretty soon. and time really flies. just look at them. haha. still miss those time when we had great fun in class and everything.
and their street fighter. haha. kind of old school. but it was pretty fun seeing them play.
after a long day. its really tiring. yup. thanks cy for sending me home! and thank-ing the rest for bringing out so much fun! (:
Friday, April 2, 2010

FRIDAY- o2o41o

its good friday today. BUT! I have lecture. how awesome is that. from 83o - 3pm. woke up super early on a public holiday, only to find the streets and mrt station rather empty. kind of weird but i really have lecture. bet with km. whoever help who to chop seat, will be offered a tehpeng treat. arghh. i reached school at 81o am luh! BUT , i still owe him tehpeng. irritating. maybe he reached at 73o am to earn my one tehpeng. ahha who knows? haha kidding !

pbf lecture throughout. 've to say that e lecturer is charming . hahas. no wonder i see quite a couple of guys sleeping. but i was listening throughout. ok maybe snooze for 5 mins(honest k!) but i was pretty awake . nice. haha.

anw. finding lunch was uber difficult. cos canteen was closed on a public holiday. so is makan place at np. only megabites cafe and alumni was opened. but the queue was uber long.so in e end , travelled down to king albert park to take away food. super troublesome. i wonder what happens when theres lecture this sunday.

so, after lecture. went down to town after km left to meet his friends. and joke. i went to somerset to eat superdogs for dinner when there's one outlet at whitesands! lols. but well, i still love their cheese fries. and srsly i saw chen hanwei. i told kpj. but too bad, he thought i was joking with him cos he thought that when he turned his head around, i would kope his super crispy fries. lols. too bad. actually cant blame him cos this is what happened minutes before :

he bluffed me by saying that the staff behind me look like luo zhixiang. so i turned my head around, but saw no one who resembles him. when i turned back, i realised a portion of my cheese fries went missing and his mouth was quite full and stiff. his exp was uber hilarious and i actually believed that someone looked like luo zhixiang. irritating.

but well, he missed the chance of looking at CHW with his uber tanned, stylish and cool look. ahha.
hah ohya! and we saw a guy who srsly look like rooney. like omg. haha. the feature, the skin colour, the hair , the height, the sideview. nice!

anw ! its been uber long since i took photo of anyone. so i decided to take myself. wahaha
THURSDAY - o1o41o

haha! its still quite funny. hahas. my last April Fool joke was dedicated to bonson! LOLS. nice . apparently, he really got fooled. even more awesome! hahas but at least i did call back to apologise (: hilarious. haha

anw, maths lecture for another 6 hours. faint. this week is quite fierce for me. having lecture from tues-fri and even SUNDAY! yes. all about 6 hours. can faint. but well. i have to persevere. but still OMG. best part is that attending lecture with bon fl km, u wont feel sleepy cos u'll have them entertain u at the appropriate time. but im confident that i was listening during lecture. serious. ups!
deal and then went dinner at makan place, even though we lunch-ed there. lol. and im sure im gg to lunch there tmr also. omg! ok, thats cos sim canteen really a lot of ppl. haha. so happen to meet joyelle and in school . had our fair share of IQ questions again. like again. ok, my brain cant absorb anymore. haha. but the answer are pretty interesting after u know it. awesome.

then went to GIANT to find out the price of this particular drink. after that we did a lil shopping ourselves. haha. its tampines giant yo. so put in the one dollar coin and started pushing around. the joke is, theres nothing inside the trolley. quite embarrassing cos ppl must be thinking that we're wasting their resources. but well, we put 2 bottles of yoghurt drinks inside. not that we were thirsty but more of wanted to try the flavour and fill up the trolley. although it doesnt make a difference. haha

and gosh. i didnt have anything else that i wanted to buy. but we passed by this promotion area selling BIG packs of chicken rings and cheese balls. when i say BIG its seriously BIG. cos one BIG packs, theres 30 packs in them. i didnt want but in e end bought 2 BIG PACKS much to my reluctance.

his reason: like that got two flavours, then can split. so right now i have 15 packs of cheese balls and 15 packs of chicken rings ): haha.but i cheated. when we were splitting the packs, i took less than required cos i seriously dont know how to distribute so many packs around. im not gg to eat so many packs of that! lols. maybe its time to show my love for my brother. heh!
just take a look at it. seriously! lols.

yup so had yoghurt drink and pizza pretz(yup! the ups biscuit) for supper. but we did a lil 'exercise' . actually i also dont know what happened but then we were 'running' ? ha joke! someone almost fell. hahah!

i got one last comment. best yoghurt drink i ever had is still BLISS. the blue bottle. cos apparently e one i drank tonight was not as ups.

anw! HAPPY APRIL'S FOOL. i had my share of fun! hopefully u guys out there did too (:

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